Renowned for his pro-Ukrainian stance, Stepan Podolchak, a Ukrainian priest, firmly refused the demands of the Russian occupation administration to convert to the Moscow Patriarchate.
Russia launched another deadly missile attack across Ukraine on 8 January, striking civilian areas and killing at least four and injuring 34. Ukraine has downed 25 out of 63 Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missiles launched since the invasion began.
The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission has confirmed that more than 10,000 civilians, including at least 560 children, have been killed in Ukraine since 24 February 2022, with an additional 18,500 injuries reported.
The shelling damaged a hospital, an administrative building, and at least 15 residential buildings and destroyed eight vehicles, including an ambulance.
Russian soldiers murdered nine family members, including children aged five and nine, after they refused to vacate their house for use by the Russian army.
Warning: sensitive content.
On 15 October, two people died, including a 14-year-old boy, and three were injured, including two children, in mine explosions in three oblasts of Ukraine.
Russian troops repeatedly shelled residential areas of Kherson, damaging apartment buildings, educational institutions, civilian infrastructure, and a church.