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Chernihiv school equipped with hybrid solar systems after Russian shelling

100RESforSchools campaign aims to bolster school resilience with solar stations and energy storage systems, similar to their previous installation at school in Irpin.
Photo by the Foundation
Chernihiv school equipped with hybrid solar systems after Russian shelling

Chernihiv School No. 3, which suffered damage from Russian shelling on August 19, has been outfitted with hybrid solar systems courtesy of the “Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation.” This charitable organization, based in Kyiv, has been involved in providing renewable energy solutions to educational institutions and healthcare facilities affected by Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The “100RESforSchools” campaign, initiated by the Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation, focuses on equipping Ukrainian schools with solar stations and energy storage systems. This initiative aims to enhance the resilience of educational facilities to energy-related threats and ensure preparedness for emergencies.

In a similar project, the foundation installed solar power stations with energy storage systems at School No. 17 in Irpin in July 2022. This accomplishment gained recognition when Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, mentioned it during her speech at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 in London.

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The solar panels for the project were provided by the Polish company Menlo Electric S.A., while the Italian company ZCS Azzuro donated inverters and battery storage and covered the project’s implementation costs. The Ukrainian company Unisolar served as the technical partner for this initiative.

In addition to school projects, the Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation has extended its support to healthcare institutions. In May 2023, the foundation installed solar stations with energy storage systems, offering backup power to the neonatal and premature infant departments at Chernihiv Oblast Children’s Hospital and Ivankiv Central District Hospital as part of the “50RESforHospitals” campaign.

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Today, during official opening of the solar system installation at Chernihiv School No. 3, representatives from the Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation, as well as partners and donors from Menlo Electric (Poland), ZCS Azzuro (Italy), and Unisolar (Ukraine), engaged with local Chernihiv community. “Sustainable Development for Schools” course has been conducted during the event.

The “Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation” was established in April 2022 and is dedicated to providing renewable energy equipment and building solar stations to assist educational institutions, healthcare facilities, medical workers, and communities affected by the war in Ukraine.

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