Gone are appeals to democratic values. Ukraine's new strategy for surviving Trump's America centers on deals, strategic assets, and a surprising China card.
Ukraine's military strategy in Donbas involves a slow, controlled retreat from key towns, aiming to inflict maximum casualties on Russian forces while preserving its own troops. This approach seeks to exhaust Russia's resources in a prolonged war of attrition.
Retired US General Jack Kean emphasizes that with robust Western backing, Ukraine can win the war against Russia, preventing disastrous consequences for NATO and the US.
Ukrainian Brigadier General Andrii Hnatov reveals Russia's strategy in northern Kharkiv: to engage Ukrainian forces and hinder their ability to prepare for counteroffensives.
F-16s will initiate Ukraine's transition to Western military equipment and tactics, says Gen. Hecker, emphasizing gradual process, not instant air superiority. Challenges include logistics, airfield adaptations, and replicating current agile operations.
Ukraine's Maritime Security Strategy, enacted by President Zelenskyy, aims to boost naval capabilities, reclaim occupied territories, and ensure maritime sovereignty.