Prominent Russian journalist and publicist Alexander Nevzorov told Ekho Moskvy that bodies of dead soldiers had been found in Russian tanks traveling from the Donbas (Ukraine) to the 172nd Auto Repair Plant in Voronezh (Russia), adding that the information still had to be confirmed.

“Four T-90 and two T-72 battle tanks recently arrived from the Donbas at this 172nd Auto Repair Plant. They claim they’ve discovered the remains of a mechanic and a gunner inside the tanks… I really don’t know how that’s possible today.”
Nevzorov added that it was common to find bodies of Russian soldiers in tanks arriving at armored vehicle repair plants during the war in Chechnya.
“When we were selecting tanks for a film, I found human remains in them… I mean, I didn’t actually find them. I’d asked some workers to open the tank hatches and they discovered the bodies…”
He also believes that “no one will be specially able to conceal such bodies”.
“Imagine this war scenario: destroyed military vehicles, mud and filth everywhere, cold and rain, conscript soldiers and roaring tractors. All this equipment must be taken away. If the crew members of a knocked-out tank were young and foolish, then, as a rule, all the hatches had been buttoned up… and it would be impossible to open them on the spot. They must be hauled out by tractors, loaded on special trains and taken to a tank repair factory.”
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