Established in September 2023, the Estonia-Luxembourg-led IT Coalition raised $510 million in its first year to bolster Ukraine's military tech and comms.
Luxembourg signed a declaration to join the Latvia and UK-led drone coalition for Ukraine, which focuses on developing new drone technologies and boosting supplies. Luxembourg will become the coalition's 17th member state.
Ukraine's EU accession negotiations begin tomorrow in Luxembourg, featuring a Ukrainian delegation comprised of representatives from the Cabinet, the President's Office, Parliament, and various state agencies.
Boots still caked with the dust from performing in Kyiv only days before Russia invaded Ukraine, Jerome Reuter plumbed the anguish, defiance and flickering hope of a Ukraine under siege to compose what became the new album, “Gates of Europe.” Reuter has returned to Ukraine multiple times since, and is currently on a pan-European tour, all proceeds from which will go to support Ukraine’s military.