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Zelenskyy considers Saudi Arabia for next Global Peace Summit

Saudi Arabia could be a potential host for the next Global Peace Summit, the Ukrainian leader said.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy meets guard cadets in Khmelnytskyi, 3 May, 2024. Photo:
Zelenskyy considers Saudi Arabia for next Global Peace Summit

The possibility of holding the second Global Peace Summit in Saudi Arabia is currently being discussed, said Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Switzerland, according to UkrInform.

His claims came at the finishing conference at the Global Peace Summit on 16 June at the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock. Over 90 countries and international organizations participated in the event and signed a joint communiqué. The document contains their positions on nuclear safety, food security, and POW exchanges for a comprehensive peace in Ukraine based on international law. 

Eighty countries sign communiqué of Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland

However, a number of nations opted not to sign the communiqué. Those abstaining included Armenia, Bahrain, Colombia, Qatar, India, Indonesia, Libya, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.

Despite the decision, Saudi Arabia remains a close partner to Ukraine, which helps the country in returning its POWs back from Russian captivity. 

“We have very strong relations with Saudi Arabia and His Royal Highness. Two or three days before the summit, I had a meeting with His Royal Highness, and we discussed such possibility. We had a great meeting in Jeddah at the level of advisors to the leaders of countries on national security issues before the summit.

We have strong relations, so, of course, we raised the issue of future meetings, maybe the next summit,” said Zelenskyy.

Earlier, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud, said during the peace talks that compromises between Ukraine and Russia are inevitable on the way to ending the war. 

“Any credible peace negotiations regarding the war in Ukraine will require Russia’s participation and will involve ‘tough compromises,'” Arabia News quoted him as saying.

Earlier, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said at the Global Peace Summit that attempts to appease Russia through territorial concessions will result not in peace but in a new war. 

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