Ukrainian forces reportedly launched a drone attack on Borisoglebsk airfield in Russia's Voronezh Oblast, targeting bomb warehouses, Su-35 and Su-34 jets, and fuel storage to disrupt operations.
Russian fighter jet manufacturer Sukhoi uses electronic components from American companies like Texas Instruments and Analog Devices, as well as Japanese firm Murata Manufacturing.
Ukrainian Air Force commander Mykola Oleshchuk says Ukrainian missileers engaged two Russian aircraft in the east, downing one Su-34 fighter-bomber aircraft, which raises reported recent Russian plane losses to 15.
Ukraine's Air Force spox confirms downing five Russian airframes in May with Patriot missiles. He expects more drone activity this winter, citing Russia's 1,000+ missile and 1,000+ drone attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure last winter.
Ukrainian monitoring Telegram channels say Russian anti-aircraft defense forces mistakenly brought down one of their own fighter jets in the early hours of 29 September. A Russian Air Force-linked channel indirectly confirmed the report.