Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Tucker Carlson in the interview published on 6 December that any potential peace agreement with Ukraine must exclude “NATO involvement, foreign military bases in Ukraine, and joint military exercises, involving foreign troops”
Former Fox News TV host Tucker Carlson arrived in Moscow two days ago and posted a video version of the conversation on the X network on 6 December.
The Russian foreign minister suggested that Western nations would need to “take into account realities on the ground” for any potential Ukraine settlement.
He also claimed that Russia has become “stronger” despite international sanctions, with many in Russia wanting sanctions removal to be a condition of any agreement.
This interview follows Carlson’s February interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which was widely criticized.
The US administration described that earlier interview as “simply unnecessary,” while various analysts noted Putin’s extensive historical revisionism during the discussion.
Carlson, who left Fox News in April 2023, has been known for spreading misinformation about Ukraine. He previously attempted to arrange an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a claim quickly refuted by Zelenskyy’s press secretary.
Carlson also has been supportive of Trump and interviewed him during the 2024 campaign.
Read also:
- Zelenskyy’s spokesperson denies claim of upcoming interview with pro-Russian Tucker Carlson
- European Commission: Putin only repeated old propaganda lies in interview with Carlson
- Genocide of Ukrainians is reasonable, Putin tells Tucker Carlson