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Kadyrov: We are ready to deploy troops to Gaza

The Kremlin-controlled head of Chechnya expressed his support for Palestine and said he is ready to go on a peacekeeping mission.
Ramzan Kadyrov, the governor of Chechnya, inspecting his 'personal army' assembled at the Grozny stadium, 2015 (Image:
Ramzan Kadyrov, the governor of Chechnya, inspecting his ‘personal army’ assembled at the Grozny stadium, 2015 (Image:
Kadyrov: We are ready to deploy troops to Gaza

Ramzan Kadyrov, a Russian politician and head of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation, said he is ready to go on a peacekeeping mission to the Gaza Strip.

Kadyrov expressed his support for Palestine but called for ending the war between Israel and Palestine.

“Today, I am against the war, and I call on everyone to stop this war so that it does not spread around the world. This war will not end easily,” Kadyrov said in his video message on Telegram. “I was in Israel myself. And our peace delegation has experienced first-hand attempts at blatant provocation. Therefore, I call on both sides to stop the war and prevent any further escalation. If necessary, our units are ready to act as a peacekeeping force to restore order and counter any troublemakers,” Kadyrov added.

Kadyrov’s troops are taking an active part in the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. Kadyrov claimed he was in the Russian-occupied part of the Kyiv Oblast (northern Ukraine) during the initial stage of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and personally commanded his troops on the battlefield.

Kadyrov confirmed that the mosque he built in honor of his father in Jerusalem was damaged on 9 October when Hamas militants fired on it during fighting in Israel.

On 7 October, Palestinian militants from Gaza carried out a surprise attack on Israel. Under the cover of intense rocket fire, hundreds of gunmen from Hamas reportedly caused over 600 casualties in Israel, with more than 2,000 injuries and 100 people taken captive.

Israeli security forces launched ‘Operation Iron Swords,’ a counter-terrorism effort to rescue hostages and retake seized areas from Palestinian militants. Israel has also cut off Gaza’s electricity and fuel supplies and the entry of goods.


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