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Zelenskyy calls for sanctions against Russia’s nuclear industry, missile and drone makers at EU summit

ukraine president zelenskyy eu summit
President Zelenskyy at the EU summit/ Source:
Zelenskyy calls for sanctions against Russia’s nuclear industry, missile and drone makers at EU summit

European Pravda reports that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged European Union member states to impose sanctions against the Russian nuclear industry and missile and drone makers.

“Russia has created the risk of a radioactive catastrophe in Europe, while the Russian nuclear sector remains exempt from international sanctions. There are still actions that must be taken. For instance, sanctions on the whole Russian missile and drone industry, the relevant portion of the terrorist state’s IT business. In any case, Russian missile terror will continue to pose a threat until the source of this menace is eliminated,” stated Zelenskyy.

He emphasized that owing to prior sanctions, Russian energy carriers would never again be a weapon against Europe.

“Everyone has finally witnessed how Russia handles Europeans and energy markets. Thank you for the sanctions that have already been implemented. However, have they adequately constrained Russia’s aggressive potential? This route must be fully finished so that they have neither the power nor the inclination to destabilize any European country,” stated President Zelenskyy

Prior to the summit, Zelenskyy delivered a speech to the European Parliament in which he emphasized that Ukraine will become a member of the EU and is doing everything necessary to achieve this goal, despite being at war.

“We are approaching the European Union. Ukraine is going to be a member of the European Union. Ukraine that is winning is going to be a member of the European Union that is winning,” asserted Zelenskyy.

ukraine president zelenskyy speech european parliament february
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivering a speech at the European Parliament/ Source: Twitter, @Matti Maasikas

Additionally, Zelenskyy has expressed gratitude to the current leaders of European nations for their unprecedented support of Ukraine.

“Today, during the European Council meeting, I will be able to thank personally the heads of state and governments [of Europe] for the decisions that over the course of last year allowed our continent to do what the previous wave of leaders considered impossible. Europe at last is relieving itself of the ruinous dependence on Russian fossil fuels, Europe is cleansing itself of the corrupt influence of Russian oligarchic business, Europe is defending itself from the infiltration of the agents of Russian secret services who were looking at Europe as the hunting field for the opponents of the Russian regime,” said Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Furthermore, Zelenskyy emphasized that for the first time in its history, the EU is providing such extensive military assistance. One has also never seen such a positive assessment of reforms in a European country that is simultaneously fighting, defending itself, and modernizing and reforming its institutions.

Russia is the greatest anti-European force in the modern world, according to Zelenskyy, which is attempting to destroy the European way of life and the European way itself by waging war on Ukraine.

We will not allow Russia to destroy the European way of life – Zelenskyy to European Parliament

Wednesday evening, Zelenskyy traveled to Paris to meet with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron.

On February 9, President Zelenskyy and French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Brussels to address the European Parliament and participate in the EU summit.

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen tweeted a photo of a meeting with the presidents of France and Ukraine.

“A historic day for Europe. Proud to announce that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be at the European Parliament this morning. To address the peoples of Europe from the House of European Democracy,” she wrote on Twitter.

The previous day, Zelenskyy made trip to London, where he gave a speech at Westminster, met with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and King Charles III, and observed the Ukrainian military in training.

“Combat aircrafts – for Ukraine! Wings – for freedom!” – Zelenskyy to UK Parliament (video)

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