The UK Ministry of Defence in its October 3 Defense Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine says that Russian President Putin’s unusually rapid acknowledgment of the issues of the so-called “partial mobilization” announced on 21 September highlights “highlights the dysfunction of the mobilisation over its first week.”
The report refers to Putin’s address to Russia’s National Security Council, in which he said that “a lot of questions are being raised during this mobilization campaign, and we must promptly correct our mistakes and not repeat them.”
“Putin’s unusually rapid acknowledgement of problems highlights the dysfunction of the mobilisation over its first week. Local officials are likely unclear on the exact scope and legal rationale of the campaign. They have almost certainly drafted some personnel who are outside the definitions claimed by Putin and the Ministry of Defence. As drafted reservists continue to assemble at tented transit camps, Russian officials are likely struggling to provide training and in finding officers to lead new units,” the report reads.
Read also:
Over 200,000 Russians left Russia after mobilization started
Georgians to protest against the unlimited influx of Russian mobilization dodgers
98,000 Russians enter Kazakhstan fleeing mobilization in less than a week
Russian draft dodgers get drafted near Georgia border as they try to flee mobilization
Russia’s snap mobilization unlikely to have impact on course of war – ISW
Russia closes oblast border amid mobilization – Ukraine’s General Staff
Anti-mobilization rallies resume in Russia’s Siberian cities, get dispersed