Several Ukrainian Telegram channels published a video showing Ukrainian soldiers hoisting the national flag on a building and saying that they have liberated the settlement of Novoselivka, Donetsk Oblast. Novoselivka lies to the northwest of the Russian-occupied key town of Lyman.
“Today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine – the 81st brigade together with the National Guard of Ukraine – have liberated the settlement of Novoselivka. Glory to the 81st Brigade! Glory to the National Guard of Ukraine! Glory to the soldiers who laid down their heads for their native land! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!” one of the Ukrainian military says in the video.
The DeepState interactive map of the military actions in Ukraine also marks Novoselivka as liberated.
“28/09/2022 13:03 The Ukrainian army liberated Kivsharivka (confirmation), Novoselivka (confirmation), and Zelena Dolyna (confirmation). A Moscovia army garrison was discovered in Lyubymivka,” DeepState’s comment to their latest map update reads with the above-mentioned video being the confirmation of Novoselivka’s liberation.
The liberation of Novoselivka hasn’t yet been confirmed officially.