Fake #5: As opposed to the US, Russia’s army is based on a defensive concept
Vesti nedeli with Dmitry Kiselyov from 21 February (Russian channel Rossiya, 21:03) informed its viewers that “Russian (military forces – ed.) are set to defence and guaranteed retaliation.” That is why, the host said, it has more tanks and nuclear heads than the American army.
Kiselyov criticised Barak Obama comparing Russian and American armies and stated that it was like “comparing strength of a tiger and a crocodile”.
Yet, it was the Russian army that was deployed in an offensive capacity in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

Fake #4: US Senate is on its way to declare an international martial law all over the world
On 21 February a row of Czech web portals (nwoo.org, almanach.cz, loadeer.com) published “news” claiming that the US Senate is on its way to give the US president unprecedented military authority and declare an international martial law all over the world based on the new draft of an Authorisation of the Use of Military Force (AUMF).
The AUMF does not allow the US president to have unlimited military authority, does not declare martial law and cannot lead to a military dictatorship.

Fake #3: The international community has decided to destroy Russia via international isolation, fall of oil prices, and financial sanctions.
During the show Voskresnyi vecher with Vladimir Solovyev (42:00) on channel Rossiya, the Russian political technologist claimed that the whole world has decided to destroy Russia via international isolation, fall of oil prices, and financial sanctions.
The falling oil prices are dependent on economical processes and don’t solely affect Russia. Sanctions follow Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Fake #2: Driving licences issued in Donbas Peoples’ Republic will be valid worldwide
A story about driving licenses issued in the so called “DNR” was part of the Vesti nedeli with Dmitry Kisielyev show. The viewers were informed that such a license “corresponds to all international standards,” will be valid for 30 years, and will allow driving in any country in the world.
The bad news is, that apart from Russia and its proxies, no countries recognize neither the “Donbas People’s Republic,” nor any of its documents: passports, diplomas, driving licenses and so on.
The driving licences won’t be valid worldwide.
Fake #1: US companies inject weapons of mass zombification into Ukrainian water
According to a range of web portals (cont.ws, fortruss.com, nwoo.org), “Ukraine has recorded facts of a large-scale “zombie” manipulation of the population.” The articles state, that Russia’s FSB reports about the US companies inject weapons of mass zombification into Ukrainian water and turn Ukrainians into Russophobic zombies. These weapons might be also used by Coca-Cola and Nestle.
For such far-fetched accusations, no evidence has been provided whatsoever.