In the town of Güstrow, in German Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, unidentified individuals painted a swastika on a building where Ukrainians live and threw a stone through their window, according to Rostock police.
Nearly 4.2 million people have fled Ukraine due to the ongoing war and have been granted temporary protection status in EU countries. The primary host countries include Germany (1,140,705 individuals), Poland (983,880), and the Czech Republic (379,370).
The incident occurred on the night before 12 January, when the Ukrainian residents of the apartment building heard a noise, followed by a stone crashing through their bedroom window. No one was injured. The next morning, the building’s owner discovered two swastikas on the wall and alerted authorities.
The criminal police are investigating the use of unconstitutional symbols and property damage and are also investigating a connection between the two crimes. The estimated material damage is at least €1,500.
Earlier, a regional court of Mannheim opened a trial for a German couple accused of murdering a Ukrainian woman and her mother to claim the younger woman’s baby as their own.
According to prosecutors, the couple killed the women in March last year to pass off the five-week-old baby as their own. The suspects, reportedly a Russian woman and a German man from Sandhausen near Heidelberg, had long wanted a child. The woman had sought out Ukrainian refugees through a Telegram group to offer support.
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