Without journalism, there’s no democracy. Without democracy, what are we celebrating?
Become a Euromaidan Press patron and help us share the news about Ukraine that millions in the world rely on!
In 2024, we reached 14.3 million views.
That’s 14.3 million times we said “no” to disinformation, “yes” to democracy, and “not on our watch” to $1.5-billion Russian propaganda machine trying to rewrite Ukraine’s story.
Think about it: each member of our team counters over $115 million worth of Russian propaganda. Some call it David vs. Goliath. We call it Monday through Sunday.
This Christmas, we’re not asking for much – just $2,025 for 2025. It’s not for tinsel or treats – it’s for typing, fact-checking, and keeping democracy’s lights on when others want to dim them.
They have billions, but we have you – our readers, supporters, and fellow guardians of freedom.
Join our fight for 2025. Because while Santa comes once a year, truth needs defending every day.
This Christmas, give democracy its best gift yet – become our patron:
(if you’d rather make a one-time donation instead, check out other ways here.)