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Ukraine launches new train route from Lviv to Warsaw

Lviv is one of the biggest train stations in Ukraine and major logistical hub since Russia started its war against Ukraine. Photo: Andriy Buriukov
Ukraine launches new train route from Lviv to Warsaw

The new route continues a previous trend of opening more train routes from Ukraine to EU countries, especially Poland. However, different railroad width slows down the process.

Ukrzaliznytsia, Ukraine’s national railway operator, announced launching a daily train service between Lviv and Warsaw beginning 15 October 2023. The new route marks the first direct train connection between the city in Ukraine’s west and the Polish capital in 18 years.

This old Rava Ruska train station used to be the end of the route near Ukraine’s western border. Now, it will be a transfer point between Lviv and Warsaw.

Trains will run through the Rava-Ruska border crossing in western Ukraine. Passengers will conveniently transfer between Ukrainian broad gauge trains (1520 mm) and European standard gauge trains (1435 mm) operated by Poland’s SKPL railway company and Ukrzaliznytsia.

We are constantly working to expand international rail routes so Ukrainians can easily travel abroad and return home,” said Ukrzaliznytsia’s CEO Yevgeniy Liashchenko. “It took over six months to launch this project and coordinate details with Poland, including reopening the border crossing point. Now, ten more Ukrainian cities will have direct rail links to Warsaw and Lublin.

In addition to Lviv, the new schedule connects Ivano-Frankivsk, Stryi, Kolomyia, Kalush, Morshyn, Briukhovychi, and Zhovkva to Warsaw and Lublin with a timely transfer to the new train in Lviv.

The route restores an inactive border crossing point, which was closed 18 years ago. It also expands options for future international service. Given Ukraine’s expected EU membership, Ukrzaliznytsia also works on a more ambitious project to gradually replace key Ukrainian railway sections for European standard gauge trains (1435 mm).

Tickets can be purchased through the railway’s mobile app, website, station ticket offices, and travel agencies, Ukraine’s railroad operator reminds.

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