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Idea that Ukraine involved in Nord Stream 2 blast “idiocy” – Ukraine’s Defense Minister

Oleksiy Reznikov Nord Stream Ukraine explosion
Screenshot from Current Time interview
Idea that Ukraine involved in Nord Stream 2 blast “idiocy” – Ukraine’s Defense Minister

Oleksiy Reznikov says Ukraine had no economic or political motives to damage the Nord Streams and connects these theories to “era of Ukrainocentrism” in the world

Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov has expressed skepticism towards media investigations suggesting Ukraine’s involvement in the Nord Stream pipeline explosions. In an interview with Current Time, Reznikov categorically denied Ukraine’s interest in such sabotage and linked such theories to the “era of Ukrainocentrism” in the world.

Reznikov was asked to comment on a joint investigation by German publications ARD and Die Zeit and Dutch channel NOS, which concluded that Ukrainian special services were likely responsible for the Nord Stream explosions. These plans were allegedly known to Western intelligence, and the CIA supposedly asked Ukraine not to proceed, “but it was done, albeit later.”

I have read these versions. I have a very heightened skepticism towards the word ‘investigation’ lately. There have been times when I was deeply immersed in a topic, and then I read some things from very well-known Western publications and was surprised where nonsense, delirium, nonsense are born in their heads. I deliberately use such strong words because I am outraged,” Reznikov stated.

He expressed confidence that in the future, anything “unexpected and super special” happening in the world will be attributed to Ukrainians. “There is some perception that we can create miracles,” the minister said, explaining that he links such publications in Western media to the “popularity of Ukrainians” and the “era of Ukrainocentrism.”

“But, in particular, I associate similar publications with the desire to stop helping Ukraine. The Russians work very well, especially in Western media. And they have agents of influence,” the minister noted.

He stated that Ukraine had no political or economic motives to damage the Nord Stream pipelines, and in response to the claim that this could have been done to stop possible Russian gas supplies, he said: “But these are risks! Risks of losing trust! That’s the most important thing! How can you do that – in a foreign sea among foreign states, carry out a special sabotage operation! Among friendly states! For what? This is idiocy.”

On 26 September 2022, explosions occurred on the Nord Stream pipeline. The New York Times, citing sources in American intelligence, reported that the sabotage on the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea was allegedly carried out by “pro-Ukrainian groups.” The US National Security Council did not confirm this data.

On 13 June 2023, several Western media wrote that the US Central Intelligence Agency supposedly “warned Ukraine against attacking Nord Stream-2.” The Swedish Prosecutor’s Office expects to identify those responsible for the sabotage of the pipelines by the fall of 2023.


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