Speaking to French channels TF1 and LCI, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is not interested in Moscow and St. Petersburg in its war with Russia, but exclusively in returning Ukrainian lands.
Zelenskyy was asked when negotiations with Russia would be resumed, given that Ukraine has no goal of reaching Moscow like it aimed to reach Berlin in 1945. He also said that it makes sense only to talk with a Russia that respects Ukraine.
“We are not interested in Moscow. We are not interested in St. Petersburg. We are not interested in foreign lands. We are not interested in the life of the Russian Federation. We are interested only in our land. And we want to de-occupy it. That is all. One needs to talk to Russia – to that Russia which is ready to respect you. The Russia which is ready to speak not with weapons, but with words. That is ready to return to you, one way or another, your legitimate territories under international law. It will be possible to talk to this Russia. But not with Nazi Russia,” stressed Zelensky.