Remove the images of the Heavenly Hundred, which are portrayed on walls and stands around our churches and schools! Turn your faces away from the symbolic graves of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen and the tombstones of Ukrainian partisans! Not because they may soon be erased from the face of the earth, but because you are not worthy of them!
Turn your eyes away from the grieving faces of young widows, children and mothers whose husbands, fathers and sons have perished in the Russian-Ukrainian war! You are not on their side, but on the side of their murderers! You are not worthy of them, because, by choosing a pro-Russian marionette, you spit directly in our Motherland’s face.
Hypocrisy is an unforgivable sin.
Five years ago, you were riding the cloud of Maidan patriotism; you were helping activists on the Maidan; you were mourning the men and women killed on the Maidan. Whatever for? So that the marionette can mock their memory, so that you can open the doors to the enemy who was finally driven out, the enemy that does not even bother hiding his contempt for such traitors? Nobody likes traitors; they’re the first to go… It is but one small step from hypocrisy to betrayal.
In the apocryphal gospel of Thomas, Jesus states: “Blessed are they who know what they do and cursed are they who do not know what they do.” You belong to the damned – to the band of mankurts (unthinking slaves in the Epic of Manas-Ed.), outright Ukrainianophobes, turncoats, eternal Ukraine haters… We can even try to respect you as we must fight you to the very last man.
However, Galician and Transcarpathian zombies in embroidered regalia, who bow their heads and humbly confess their sins during Holy Week, will not be forgiven this time. We can forgive their greed, laziness, and ignorance, but not their hypocrisy… because we will have to pay for it through many more years of war and enslavement, as well as through the contempt of other nations, who are more worthy of their national symbols and heroes.
Leave our churches and shrines to those who have given and continue giving something to Ukraine, but who do not expect Ukraine to give something to them!
Your avatars should show dirty, littered lakes and rivers, ravaged and burnt Ukrainian lands, destroyed forests, heritage sites in total ruin, families and children abandoned for the sake of the almighty dollar, addicted and drunk teenagers who have grown up fatherless and motherless… in short, everything that daily TV programs do not show, the TV which you believe in more than in God’s Commandments.
He who chooses to live in shame is doomed to degradation and extinction!
Halyna Moskalets, who writes under the pseudonym “Halyna Pahutiak”, is a contemporary Ukrainian writer, winner of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize in 2010