Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that FIFA President Sepp Blatter deserves the Nobel Prize for his outstanding work.
Such a tribute appears very doubtful given the circumstances of Blatter’s resignation. Moreover, Putin has not specified which particular prize should be given to Blatter. Perhaps for Chemistry — for discovering FIFA laws on the disappearance of corrupted money in the accounts of officials? Or perhaps in Physics — for the ability to refute all laws and theories with the help of a small bank transfer? Or for Literature — for all the lies that Blatter has piled up to justify himself and his colleagues. All these claims would make quite a tale.
But undoubtedly Putin has one prize in mind that is of interest to all authoritarian rulers — the Nobel Peace Prize. In Putin’s view, this prize should be given to people who help improve the reputation of those who can no longer be rebranded. In this sense, Blatter with his World Cup Russia definitely deserved the prize. But not the Nobel one, the Putin one.
It is time for Russia to consider creating its own prize. A prize that would be awarded for the contributions of those who please Putin and his circle but are not sufficiently respected by the world. After all, in the Soviet Union there was such a prize — the international Stalin and then Lenin prize for “strengthening peace among nations.” An excellent prize, I tell you. Too bad they eliminated it.
If not for this error, Sepp Blatter could be the winner of the International Putin Prize “for corruption, lies and war” as early as tomorrow. The prize could also be awarded to Silvio Berlusconi. And Gerhard Schroeder. One could also add the French deputies who made their way to occupied Crimea in the best tradition of Petain’s collaborationist regime. And then Marine Le Penn. And former Finance Minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis for his attempts to destroy the economy of his own country and present it to Russia. There are many who deserve the prize!
It would be a wonderful award if only because there would no longer be any need to wonder who is who. Putin’s signature under the decree and the proud title of winner of the International Putin Prize would give people who have self-respect and who preserve their honor and dignity the opportunity to refuse to shake the hands of those who have lost those characteristics. But who have gained Putin’s approval.