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Russia wants to acknowledge the ‘DNR’ and ‘LNR’ elections

Russia wants to acknowledge the ‘DNR’ and ‘LNR’ elections
Article by: Olena Matusova
Translated by: Mariya Shcherbinina
Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov told LifeNews channel on Tuesday that Moscow will acknowledge the results of the November 2nd elections which will be held on part of the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, which is controlled by pro-Russian separatists. In the same interview Lavrov stated Russia acknowledges the results of the elections to the Verkhovna Rada. 

Head of the Russian MFA Sergey Lavrov stated yet again that Moscow acknowledges the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In the same interview to LifeNews TV channel, Lavrov confirmed that the Russian position consisting of, at least, the political support of separatists, remains the same. This is evidenced by the fragment of the interview in which Minister Lavrov said that Moscow would acknowledge the so-called ‘elections’ on November 2nd, which are being organized by ‘DNR’ and ‘LNR’ gangs.

Lavrov: The elections which will be held on the territory of the declared Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republic will be important from the perspective of legitimizing the government.

Question: Will Moscow acknowledge the validity of these elections?

Lavrov: We think that this is one of the most important points of the Minsk Accords. We expect the elections to take place as agreed, and we, naturally, will acknowledge their results. We are counting on the vote to be free, and that nobody from outside would try to disrupt it.

An imitation of a state

The Ukrainian government has already stated that it would not acknowledge these elections, as they violate the Minsk agreements, which prescribe local elections in accordance with Ukrainian law: the Verkhovna Rada appointed them for December 7, 2014.

Former deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Georgi Kunadze thinks that by acknowledging the elections on the territories which are temporarily occupied by separatists, Russia practically violates Ukraine’s sovereignty.

“I think that this is an absolutely obvious strive to document, if you will, the split of Ukraine. This is approximately the same theme we observe in Russia’s policies in Transnistria. The problem is that the elections which will be held in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, in those parts which are occupied by terrorists, these elections are illegal by Ukrainian law. As such, the Russian MFA spits on Ukrainian law. The diplomatic institution thus violates Ukraine’s sovereignty,” thinks Georgi Kunadze.

Meanwhile the representatives of the separatists continue imitating the existence of a state. Besides the so-called ‘elections,’ which they want to hold on Sunday, the leadership of ‘DNR’ hands out honorary titles. On Tuesday the local so-called ‘Prime Minister’ Alexandr Zakharchenko appointed singer Josif Kobzon an honorary ‘DNR’ consul to Russia.

Translated by: Mariya Shcherbinina
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