Polish President Andrzej Duda announced on Tuesday that Poland could transfer its remaining MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, provided NATO allies guarantee and engage in the security of Polish airspace until Warsaw receives new aircraft.
Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has revealed that Warsaw is exploring a proposal from Kyiv to shoot down Russian missiles heading towards Polish territory while they are still in Ukrainian airspace.
Ukrainian and Polish officials agreed on a plan to end the blockade of four border checkpoints by Polish haulers, who demand changes to the freight transportation agreement between the two countries.
As of the morning of 17 December 2023, three checkpoints on the border with Poland remain blocked by Polish protesters, where more than two thousand trucks are waiting in line.
Polish protesters blocked all four key border crossings to Ukraine starting on 6 November 2023. The car queues reach 17 kilometers with 1-2 trucks allowed to pass per hour. Not only did Ukraine's economy suffer, meaning less taxes for the military. Some critical supplies were also stuck.
Queues with waiting times over 150 hours formed due to blockades by Polish carriers won't solve issues between two major markets. "It’s a question of arrangements between Ukraine and the EU," head of the Polish Department at Central Europe's Institute, Jakub Olchowski, said.