Oleksii Matsuka, now finds himself at the center of a censorship scandal that has rocked Ukraine's state news agency, Ukrinform, during his brief but tumultuous tenure as director general.
Ukraine's public broadcasting company, Suspilne, is facing a series of "informational and institutional attacks," according to a statement released by a group of journalists and media organizations.
Besides, the head of the Solomyansky Territorial Recruitment in Kyiv, involved in the attempt to issue the draft summons, has been demoted and reassigned to a lower position.
A whistleblower from Slidstvo.info had apparently faced an act of retribution from Ukraine's Security Service for exposing the corruption of one of its chiefs
Bihus.Info journalists revealed this week that Ukraine's SBU security force secretly recorded their team, igniting concerns over eroding press freedoms.
Crimean Tatar Luftiye Zudiyeva and 12 others were taken to the police while attempting to attend an open court session on the arrest of Crimean Tatar leader Nariman Dzhelyal, accused of sabotage shortly after attending a forum dedicated to the liberation of Crimea
Demanding international groups condemn Russian state propaganda, Ukrainian media insisted a slain RIA employee in Ukraine was not a real journalist but a propagandist.