Ukraine's first National Prayer Breakfast under President Zelenskyy's auspices brought together a diverse group of 836 participants from 15 countries and 12 denominations, with top officials, like US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and former Vice President Mike Pence, praying for the peace in Ukraine.
During the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 in Berlin, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, head of Ukraine’s energy company Ukrenergo, and Christian Laibach, a member of the Executive Board of German KfW development bank, signed a $16 million grant agreement to purchase critical equipment and restore high-voltage substations damaged by Russian attacks.
Osokins Festival of Freedom for Ukraine is a musical festival dedicated to Ukraine for the last three years and raises funds to purchase essential supplies for Ukrainian defenders, collecting more than $171,000 over the past 18 months and sending over 25,000 self-heating lunches to Ukrainian frontlines, as per the event's organizer Andrejs Osokins.