According to a journalist from “Ukrainiska Pravda”, the first buses from Lviv reached Maidan. People on Khreschatyk met them with ovations. Earlier in the night several other micro-buses from Lviv arrived to Kyiv. According to the people, who arrived, many others from Lviv are going to Kyiv.
Besides this, activists informed that at 6 AM the road Boyarka-Kyiv at Petriv’ske village was blocked by 2 trucks, and road police let cars to go through one by one. It is quite possible that the same situation may occur on other roads. At the same time people on Maidan were greeting a new day with songs and the national anthem.
At 6:00 rescuers had to leave the building of Trade Union, since there the fourth and fifth floors were destroyed by fire, informs DSNS: “ By 6AM (GMT+2) 30 people have been rescued from floors 3-9 of the building…. Currently 20 units of general as well as special fire extinguishing machinery together with 100 people are working there”
Rescuers also noted that to extinguish the fire more efficiently several machines were re-dislocated from Mykhailvs’ka Street to Khreschatyk.