These reports, the Ukrainian journalist says, provided a substitute distorted or not for the absence of a free media and often were the only source of information the top Soviet leadership had about the situation in the USSR and in the world, to judge by newly opened KGB archives in Ukraine.
The archive contains some 1300 folders with the first reports being from the 1920s and the last from the final days of the Soviet Union in 1991. Almost the entire period is covered except for the first half of the 1950s where for one reason or another, these daily reports are not included, Adryushenko says.
Among the subjects covered are foreigners in the USSR, diaspora politics, Soviet citizens abroad, anti-Soviet actions, dissent, religion, ideologically harmful products and the influence of West on Soviet people. Sometimes these reports contain sociological assessments by the organs of conditions in Ukraine and other non-Russian republics.
These reports also included information about any threats to party and government leaders, evidence of unhappiness among workers including small labor actions – the KGB did not use the word “strikes” – and accidents and natural disasters ranging from Chernobyl to floods and droughts.
Anyone who reads these documents, the journalist says, will see that they were written in a special style, with all “the euphemisms characteristic both for the Soviet bureaucratic culture as a whole and also for the ideologized special services themselves.” Often the documents were almost as emotional as propaganda articles in the media.
It is wrong to think that these reports were always accurate. In fact, they are full of mistakes reflecting lack of information or simple incompetence, or a desire to please those above the organs themselves. Describing the world as the KGB imagined the leadership wanted to protect them but meant that the Politburo often did not know the truth.
“Any phenomenon the regime viewed as negative, be it efforts by miners to create unions or the attraction of Western movies among the young was explained not by objective causes but the efforts of the CIA, Radio Liberty and the nationalists.” Only on rare occasions did the organs report on what were the real causes of these and other phenomena.
Sometimes one encounters the notion that the KGB was “’a state within a state,’” but this is true only in part. It may have known the truth itself, but it remained very much in fear of the political leadership and did not challenge that leadership’s views. Instead, it reinforced them, and ultimately acquired them itself, at least when it reported to the top.
And it tracked how the Politburo viewed things closely shifting its own reports rapidly if the Soviet leaders changed theirs. On August 20, for example, it reported that Ukrainians almost universally supported the attempted coup in Moscow. Two days later, however, the security services reported upward that the Ukrainians were almost totally opposed to it.
Read more:
- KGB archives: How the NKVD crushed young patriotic OUN members in Melitopol
- Ukrainians discover stories of repressed relatives in newly opened KGB archives
- Ukraine prepares to make Soviet KGB archives available online (2016)
- Ukraine declassifies 190 more KGB documents on Chernobyl
- Kremlin planned to destabilize Ukraine in the early 1990s by smearing “all forms of nationalism”, archives show
- “I was told we should work with fascists”: former KGB officer Zhirnov
- New York Times sheds light on decades-old tradition of Kremlin disinformation campaign
- Stalin’s “Little Green Men”