On 14 November, the Ukrainian forces reportedly targeted Russia’s Belgorod using HIMARS, while the rockets were allegedly shot down by air defense forces, Russian Telegram channel Astra reports, citing its sources from emergency services in Belgorod Oblast. As a result, six Russian military personnel and one civilian were wounded, the source said on 15 November.
Local Russia Telegram channel Pepel Belgorod said the attack hit a military equipment site on Sadovaya Street in Belgorod. Local media initially published photos showing damaged military vehicles, but later removed these from their feeds, the Ukrainian military portal Militarnyi notes.
Sources claim the attack was a targeted strike on a military facility, rather than a random rocket barrage. This is supported by the fact that other missiles landed near the military site on Sadovaya and Shershnevaya streets.

The incident comes days after a Russian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone struck a residential building in Belgorod on 11 November, injuring two people. The reasons for the drone’s deflection are unclear, but it may have been shot down by Russian air defenses or the drone operators could have used wrong pre-programmed flight data, as per Militarnyi.
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