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Australian arms manufacturer EOS plans to establish production in Ukraine

ukraine's air defenses downed 24/25 russia's shahed drones force says ukrainian anti-air mobile fire group facebook/генеральний штаб зсу
Ukrainian anti-air mobile fire group. Photo: Facebook/Генеральний штаб ЗСУ.
Australian arms manufacturer EOS plans to establish production in Ukraine

The Australian company EOS Defence Systems says it plans to set up production in Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

The Defense Ministry announced this following a meeting between Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Dmytro Klymenkov, Vice President of Sales and Business Development Scott Hicks, and Marc Essig, Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing at EOS Defence Systems.

EOS Defence Systems specializes in technologies integrating weapon systems into various land and sea platforms. The company produces solutions to counter unmanned aerial vehicles and ground targets.

“Ukraine continues to actively work on modernizing its defense capabilities and expanding international cooperation. Transitioning to direct contracts with arms manufacturers will reduce dependence on intermediaries and enhance our defense capabilities,” stated Dmytro Klymenkov during the meeting.

One of Electro-Optic Systems’ flagship products is the Slinger anti-drone combat module, equipped with a 30mm Bushmaster M230LF automatic cannon. reports that the German government has purchased the system to protect IRIS-T air defense systems in Ukraine.

In 2024, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said his country would hand over the third Patriot surface-to-air system, as well as IRIS-T and Gepard anti-air systems, to Ukraine in the coming weeks and months.

Scholz says Germany will transfer third Patriot system, additional IRIS-Ts and Gepards to Ukraine

The company also collaborates with L3Harris on R150 gimbals used in Ukraine on VAMPIRE – Vehicle Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment anti-aircraft systems.

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