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At least two Russian Su-34 bombers damaged in Ukrainian drone attack at Morozovsk airfield

Ukraine has claimed a successful drone strike on the Morozovsk Airfield in Russia’s Rostov Oblast, with the country’s spymaster claiming the attack involved at least 70 drones targeting the strategic airbase, which houses Russian Su-34 Fullback fighter-bombers.
least two russian su-34 bombers damaged ukrainian drone attack morozovsk airfield fullback fighter-bombers were inside fabric-covered shelter russia's appears have been massive 14 april 2024 planet labs war zone
Two Russian Su-34 Fullback fighter-bombers were inside a fabric-covered shelter at Russia’s Morozovsk airfield that appears to have been damaged in a massive Ukrainian drone attack on 14 April 2024. Photo: PLANET LABS, via The War Zone.
At least two Russian Su-34 bombers damaged in Ukrainian drone attack at Morozovsk airfield

Ukraine has claimed a successful drone strike on the Morozovsk Airfield in Russia’s Rostov Oblast on 15 June, about 280 km from the front lines. Ukrainian HUR intelligence agency chief, Lt-Gen Kyrylo Budanov, told The War Zone the attack involved at least 70 drones targeting the strategic airbase, which houses Russian Su-34 Fullback fighter-bombers and Su-24 and Su-24M fighter jets.

In a massive attack overnight on 13-14 June, Ukrainian drones targeted numerous Russian facilities. Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed it destroyed 87 drones in Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, and Rostov oblasts of Russia, and in occupied Crimea. In Voronezh Oblast, fuel tanks were damaged, according to the region’s governor.

Satellite images obtained by The War Zone confirm that the airfield was indeed struck, with visible damage to a multi-aircraft shelter and an apron area. Two Su-34 jets can be seen inside the damaged shelter, likely suffering some degree of damage from the drone attack.

least two russian su-34 bombers damaged ukrainian drone attack morozovsk airfield before (bottom) after images showing damage apron caused drones 14 april 2024 planet labs war zone base-hit
Before (bottom) and after images showing damage to an apron at the Morozovsk Airfield caused by Ukrainian drones on 14 April 2024. Photo: PLANET LABS, via The War Zone.

During the attack, locals reported explosions in the town of Morozovsk, followed by a fire, and some residential areas lost electricity after the drone strike. Governor Vasily Golubev claimed Russian air defenses successfully repelled a “massive drone attack” in the region, destroying drones near several populated areas, with no reported casualties on the ground.

Russian sources acknowledged the attack but provided differing accounts. The Krevlyovskaya Tabakerka (Kremlin Snuff Box) Telegram channel claimed six pilots were killed and 10 troops wounded, while the Dva Mayora (Two Majors) channel stated that no jets were damaged, although it criticized vulnerabilities in Russia’s air defenses against drones.

Visual evidence of the attack also emerged on social media, with videos showing drones flying overhead and reports of explosions near the airbase. A photograph circulated depicting a large ball of flame and black smoke, allegedly from the drone strike.

This is the second major Ukrainian drone attack on Morozovsk Airfield in two months, following a previous strike on 5 April, when Ukraine initially claimed significant damage in that incident, but subsequent satellite imagery showed no major destruction.

The War Zone notes that Ukrainian officials have not made bold claims about the extent of damage this time, but Budanov confirmed that a battle damage assessment is ongoing. He also vowed that Ukrainian forces would continue to target the strategic airfield with further aerial assaults.

Voronezh Oblast

In Voronezh region, drones damaged fuel storage tanks at an oil depot. Governor Alexander Gusev reported that in Liskinsky district, drones attacked the oil depot from extremely low altitude, resulting in several drones damaging the fuel tanks. No fire broke out and there were no casualties reported.

Drones in Kursk, fire in Moscow

Explosions were also heard in Kursk region early on 14 June, with videos circulating online. The acting Kursk governor Alexei Smirnov later stated that five “Ukrainian drones” were shot down in the region’s airspace.

On the same day, Russian media also reported a fire at the Sukhoi Design Bureau building in Moscow, one of Russia’s leading aviation companies responsible for developing Sukhoi fighter jets. However, no drone activities were reported prior to the incident.

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