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Russia kills 7 people in attack on Kharkiv, Zelenskyy urges more air defense

Russians targeted a large printing enterprise in Kharkiv, resulting in the deaths of seven employees and injuring around twenty others.
State Emergency Service (SES) of Kharkiv Oblast rescues the victims of Russian attack on Kharkiv. Source: SES of Ukraine
Russia kills 7 people in attack on Kharkiv, Zelenskyy urges more air defense

On 23 May, Russian forces launched a series of missile strikes on Kharkiv Oblast, targeting civilian areas and infrastructure, according to Ukrainian officials.

The attack resulted in the deaths of at least seven people and injured 20 others, with the number of casualties expected to rise as search and rescue operations continue.

Nine missiles hit the city of Kharkiv directly, while three more struck the settlement of Lyubotyn, according to Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration.

One of the targets in Kharkiv was a large printing enterprise, where seven employees were killed and around 20 were injured. At the time of the attack, more than 50 people were working at the facility. Syniehubov emphasized that the printing house was an entirely civilian infrastructure, with no military facilities nearby. 

State Emergency Service (SES) of Ukraine in the printing house attacked by Russian on 23 May. Source: SES of Ukraine

The search for two missing individuals, whose location remains unknown, is ongoing, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy highlighted Ukraine’s lack of sufficient air defense protection. He called upon world leaders to take a stronger stance against Russian terrorism and support Ukraine in its efforts to protect its citizens.

“Terror must lose everywhere – under any conditions, on any continent. And it is our shared responsibility – of everyone in the world who can protect life from terror. Ukraine is doing everything it can. I thank everyone who is helping us. But more determination is needed. And it is from the leaders of the world,” Zelenskyy wrote on Telegram.

Earlier, Zelenskyy called on the international community to provide two Patriot air defense systems to protect Kharkiv. He emphasized that these systems would significantly enhance Kharkiv’s security and help thwart ongoing Russian aggression.

In addition to the strikes on Kharkiv and Lyubotyn on 23 May, Russian forces also targeted Zolochiv with guided aerial bombs, hitting a kindergarten and other civilian infrastructure.


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