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Norway to supply Ukraine with F-16 “perhaps with longer-range strike capabilities”

Norway, alongside Denmark and the Netherlands, plans to equip Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets enhanced for long-range strikes, announced by the Norwegian FM in Kyiv.
Norwegian F-16. Photo: Norwegian Air Force
Norwegian F-16. Photo: Norwegian Air Force
Norway to supply Ukraine with F-16 “perhaps with longer-range strike capabilities”

Norway, in collaboration with Denmark and the Netherlands, is preparing to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets equipped with enhanced long-range strike capabilities. Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide announced this during a briefing with Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba in Kyiv on 15 April.

Ukraine seeks F-16 fighter jets to counter Russia’s air superiority at the frontline, where Russian aircraft maintain an edge with longer-range capabilities despite Ukraine’s dense air defenses. The United States approved the transfer of F-16s from Denmark and the Netherlands last August, pending completion of pilot training. Training of Ukrainian pilots and ground personnel is ongoing, and Ukraine has yet to operate any F-16s.

“We will transfer Norwegian F-16s, which are updated and in good shape. Together with our Danish and Dutch colleagues, we are training Ukrainian pilots. Perhaps there will be even longer-range strike capabilities, which are very important for Ukraine now,” the Norwegian minister said.

When asked about the number and condition of the F-16 fighter jets, Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide indicated a substantial commitment.

“When you ask how many will come from Norway, I cannot tell you the exact number,” he stated.

He noted the jets included both updated models in better combat condition and fuselages for repairs but chose not to disclose specific figures.

According to him, the crucial aspect is the state of the weapons with which the aircraft will be equipped; those in flying condition will feature “the latest weapons,” stated Eide. The Foreign Minister also did not specify a timeframe for the delivery of the fighter jets to Ukraine.

Earlier media reports indicate that Norway is set to provide 22 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine as part of an aviation coalition. Some of these jets will serve as donors for spare parts to support the repair and maintenance of other F-16s transferred to the Ukrainian Air Force. Additionally, Ukraine is expected to receive jet engines, training equipment, spare parts, and other materials alongside the fighter jets themselves.

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