American-made parts were found in a Russian Kh-101 cruise missile shot down by Ukrainevs air defense, Defense Express reported. The American-made electronic module was produced by the US company Vicor and can be purchased on AliExpress.
Defense Express obtained closeup pictures of a Russian Kh-101 missile shot down over Kyiv Oblast posted by police chief Andrii Nebytov.
Russian Kh-101 missile shot down over Kyiv on 23 November / Andrii Nebytov
Closeups of the cruise missile’s power supply system revealed ready-made power modules of DC-DC converters by the American company Vicor.
“This company is quite well-known on the international market and is on the list of manufacturers that supply their products under direct contracts with the Pentagon,” Defense Express writes.
Many products of this company are not under sanctions and are available for sale even through AliExpress.

Russia continues producing these Kh-101 cruise missiles at a fairly high rate, about 180 units per year, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense. This is made possible by the availability of these western-made modules, Defense Express reports.