Several Ukrainian Telegram channels shared a video and photos showing the Russian equipment that the Ukrainian military captured, according to military reporter Andrii Tsaplienko, in Balakliia, Kharkiv Oblast.
Captured RP-377UVM1L Russian electronic warfare equipment (jammer) and other weapons
The exact location is unknown (presumably, Kharkiv Obl). The narrator says it was a Russian position called Moscow, the video shows a location similar to a school gym.
📹— Euromaidan Press (@EuromaidanPress) September 7, 2022
There are two units of quite rare equipment among the “trophies” that the Russian troops left behind, namely the RP-377UVM1L Russian electronic warfare equipment – a jammer designed to suppress radio channels used by the remotely controlled explosive devices. Such jammers are used for the protection of personnel and vehicles during movement.