But in making that claim, Lavrov and those who follow him ignore the fact that in the Russian Federation itself, there are approximately four million Ukrainians. But there, “there is not a single full-scale Ukrainian school; there are no Ukrainian language newspapers, radio, television, theaters or universities.”
Yatsenyuk’s words are important because they call attention to a sad fact of life – Moscow routinely claims rights for itself and the Russian nation that it denies to others, and its claims are all too often accepted at face value without anyone asking questions about whether Russia is behaving in a reciprocal way.
Read More:
- Post-Euromaidan gains for Ukrainian language challenged by creeping Russification and state indifference
- Vitaly Portnikov: the Ukrainian language is Putin’s arch-enemy
- Russia intentionally ignores the fact that Ukrainians, Belarusians, Balts populated the Russian Far East, not Russians
- Russia’s war against the Ukrainian language
- A short guide to the linguicide of the Ukrainian language | Infographics
- Ukrainian nation disappearing in Russia, Kyiv ethnographer says
- A real ‘wedge’ issue: Ukrainian regions in the Russian Federation
- Stalin’s anti-Ukrainian policies in RSFSR prove Holodomor was a genocide
- Japanese expert: Ethnic Ukrainians form 60% of Northern Territories’ (Kuriles’) population