Myth No.1: Civil war continues in Ukraine
Russian media continues to brainwash readers, referring regularly to the “civil war” in Ukraine. The major figures and “heroes” in the terrorist “republics” are Russian FSB Colonel Igor Girkin (aka Strelkov) and Arsen Pavlov (aka Motorola), who do not hide their Russian citizenship. And let’s not forget the two Russian GRU officers and curators of the so-called “DNR” and LNR” – Aleksandr Borodai and Marat Bashirov?

Myth No.2: Ukrainian soldiers are brutal while their opponents are extraordinary models of humanity
We all remember the video “masterpieces” broadcast on Russian television: the “crucified boy”, “the grandmother that was raped” at a checkpoint, and the young boy that allegedly had a radio receiver sewn into his jacket by Ukrainian soldiers so he’d be taken out by a homing missile. These “stories” have absolutely nothing to do with reality and are only the fruit of the Kremlin’s sick imagination.
Kremlin media has also presented its “little green men” as very courteous and humane. However, the Internet teems with videos showing Russian-backed terrorist forces abusing not only prisoners, but also dead Ukrainian soldiers. (Motorola himself declared that he had personally killed fifteen Ukrainian prisoners-Ed.).
Not only was Arsen Pavlov (aka Motorola) notorious for brutalizing Ukrainian prisoners, but he was also popularized by an extreme grenade launcher prank, in which he sent dozens of high explosive grenades on to one of his own outposts as a practical joke. … a true example of Russian humanism.

Myth No.3: Motorola and Co. are fighting for Orthodox values
The late terrorist earned his notorious reputation when he left his hometown for Ukraine, abandoning his wife and child. He fell passionately in love and got married again in Donetsk, and then became a new role model promoted by the Kremlin media. If the true values of the “Russian World” and Russian Orthodox Church uphold betraying your wife and abandoning your child, marrying another woman, murdering and abusing prisoners, seizing private vehicles and apartments, then Motorola was indeed a great fighter for this cause! It’s surprising that Putin’s media hasn’t yet come up with the idea of canonizing this victim of a mysterious elevator explosion!

Myth No.4: Ukraine is so strong, and yet it can’t do anything right
The most interesting stories are related to Motorola’s death. The Kremlin and the terrorist leadership immediately announced that a Ukrainian subversive group was responsible for his murder. However, Russian propaganda and Putin’s “analysts” always point to the absolute impotence of Ukrainian special services. Suddenly it turns out that in Donetsk it was an ultra-right marginal organization under the SBU (Ukrainian Secret Services) that allegedly blew up the notorious terrorist… before the noses of all the Russian special services combined!

Myth No.5: Ukrainian security services spread terrorism in the occupied territories
Russian media regularly announce that Ukrainian security services carry out terrorist attacks in the occupied territories. Ukraine is also accused of killing several other terrorist leaders and organizing “terrorist actions” in Crimea. However, Russia hasn’t provided any evidence. We might recall that one of the separatist leaders – Yevgeniy Zhilin – was killed during a showdown in Veterok [translates as “light breeze” in Russian – Ed.], a suburban Moscow restaurant.
Myth No.6: “DNR” and “LNR” documents are legal and recognized everywhere
Social networks recently published a photo of Olena Pavlova’s “passport” (Motorola’s pseudo-wife in the occupied Donbas, after he left his original wife and family in Russia). Vyacheslav Abroskin, head of the Donetsk regional police, then announced that several blank passport forms had been stolen during the Russian occupation of Sloviansk.

This forgery indicates that even the most highly-ranked leaders of terrorist groups don’t accept “documents” issued by their own “banana republics” and prefer to carry Ukrainian documents, or at least forged ones. Although they publicly argue that Ukraine has never existed as a state and that they are bravely fighting Ukrainian “fascists”, they probably realize how futile and unrealistic the “DNR” and “LNR” really are, and how absolutely insignificant and useless the “documents” issued by these occupation authorities are in the real world.
Motorola is dead, but his “legend” will live on. Russian propaganda will transform him into an extraordinary “hero and martyr” although he was one of many who tortured real heroes. It’s always easier to deal with dead militants, because you don’t need to adapt to reality, and you can invent whatever you please. Now, it’s only up to Putin and his clan to realize that they will have fewer problems and headaches when they get rid of the so-called “DNR” and LNR” and finally get out of Ukraine.
- Donbas warlord Motorola killed in Donetsk
- Witness to evil: a soldier’t trauma after dealing with Motorola
- Kremlin-backed militants demand amnesty, put hostage without arms or eyesight on trial
- War crimes in occupied Donbas: every second prisoner tortured, 16% witnessed executions
- Evidence on perpetrators of war crimes in Russia’s war in Donbas to be submitted to The Hague
- Raped, tortured, buried alive: Horrific crimes of pro-Russia militia in Ukraine
- ‘It’s important the world knows about inhuman torture used against Ukraine’s POWs,’ says father