The situation with Poroshenko and Yatseniuk greatly resembles “The Adventures of Cipollino” (Little Onion), a tale by Gianni Rodari. Their attempts to rob the country blind – even more than Yanukovych – look quite brutal and yet they are much simpler. Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk’s self-confidence is only a temporary illusion of power and assurance that they are in charge of a big and powerful state.
Ukrainian people made incredible sacrifices to topple Yanukovych’s administration. The present government has ignored these sacrifices and no one will be sorry to see them go. In fact, it’s likely these greedy leaders will be deposed more violently and will suffer more punishment than previous government leaders because they’ve disappointed all of us and have failed to properly asses the sacrifices of the Ukrainian people.
The Heroes of the Revolution of Dignity and the War are neither appreciated nor respected. They will continue to watch this government closely because these thieves cannot escape anywhere; no government of any democratic country will grant them asylum and even if they do, the soldiers who have been fighting Russia will come to take revenge for their ingratitude and their non-recognition of all the human sacrifices. They have failed to show or express real gratitude to the families of Ukrainian soldiers. Yatsenyuk and Poroshenko’s political propaganda team understand this, but don’t do anything about it. In fact, the only things they know how to do is squander large sums of money fighting each other and creating the illusion of combating corruption and the Russian information war.
The people who are currently in power did not believe in the victory of the Revolution of Dignity. Moreover, they do not believe that they are only temporarily in power, even very very temporarily. I would advise them to read “The Adventures of Cipollino” very carefully. The red paint splattered over stores owned by Poroshenko, the chief guarantor of the Constitution, should make him think twice about what is happening in our country; I also advise him to visit our men on the frontlines and send his sons to serve. This was done by leaders of countries that were attacked by foreign states.
There will be a big change in our country’s government, an extremely radical one. Power will be seized by those who have fought for our country, those whose hearts, souls and hands are strong and brave. Because the people, who built their houses brick by brick like godfather Pumpkin in the Cipollino story, return from the front and see that they have been left with nothing… and they will not put up with this injustice.
The government is in for a jolly time and it’s already happening every day only because our leaders have forgotten their Heroes.
Synopsis of “The Adventures of Cipollino”: The characters are vegetables and fruits living in a garden kingdom. Cipollino, or the Little Onion, and his friends fight the unjust treatment and tyranny of Prince Lemon and the overly proud Lord Tomato. The story is organized around several major themes: the importance of friendship, the people’s struggle against the rich and the powerful, good versus evil.