Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) banned entry to Ukraine to Russian actor and screenwriter Ivan Okhlobystin, who is notorious for his anti-Ukrainian statements, reports advisor to the head of the SBU Markiyan Lubkivsky.
“We have lists of people who with their actions have shown to be a threat to Ukrainian national security, thus forcing us to list them as people whose entry to the territory of Ukraine is undesirable. You remember that recently Latvia announced that Okhlobystin had been banned from entering this country. He is also banned from entering Ukraine, just like many artists,” he noted.
According to Lubkivsky, the list contains several hundred names and the ban on their entry to Ukraine is already effective.
Earlier the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting sent a list of 49 Russian journalists and TV channel managers to the SBU, proposing to ban their entry to Ukraine.