Separatists in Donetsk have displayed advertisements on the city’s streets that are copy-pasted from Soviet propaganda of the times of WW2, appealing to the nostalgic feelings of many citizens of the region for Soviet times, and even earlier.
We will win! Photo by Said Ismagilov:
The poster used represents the separatist “Donetsk People’s Republic” tapping into the military glory of Tsarist Russia of the 18th Century and it draws parallels between the past Russian military victories and the current struggle, in an attempt to show that the current military struggle will be seen as glorious in the future as the indicated conflicts were to the people at the time.

Memories of the relative security experienced while living in the Soviet Union brings out nostalgic feelings in the older generation especially in the Eastern regions of Ukraine that are overfilled with social problems. The separatist “republics” have used soviet nostalgia in their rhetoric from the first days.
Join the ranks of the Donbas People’s Militia! Photo by Said Ismagilov
This advertisement makes use of the very famous soviet poster from the Second World war:

Warrior of the Russian Army, save us! Photo by Said Ismagilov
Sources: interdisciplinaryleeds, Said Ismagilov FB