We are…
We are capable of making a difference
A piano became one of the symbols of the Ukrainian revolution. The symbol demonstrating that it was not a group of bandits at rebellion, but the spiritual and creative elite of the society. The little girl Rivka now knows that changes start small. And her mother believes that she is one of those girls who change the world with their beauty, spiritual strength and talent.
We are capable of remaining calm
Alisa sleeping tight all night in her small safety seat in a minibus, while her parents are transporting tires at the protests on the night of the 22nd/23rd of January [2014]. Despite all danger warnings, the family were together on the Ukrainian Unity Day [22 January 2014].
We are capable of taking risks
Masha’s father knows something peculiar about gasoline, motor oil and glass bottles. And Masha faced the risk that the next time she goes for a walk with her Dad is when she is all grown-up, i.e. in eight or fifteen years. Was it worth the risk? For the sake of his daughter – yes, it was.
We are capable of remembering
The brave ones die for the country, idea and freedom. For the sake of Us, You and Justice. Anzhela together with thousands of Ukrainians remembers that day and that year. Heroes never die!
We will not stay silent
Parents were teaching Sonia and Polina to express their opinions freely, grow up to become independent and confident in their views since their very childhood. They were taught to honour their Motherland and cherish its symbols. Cars with embroidered ornaments, earrings with a Trident, ribbons in the hair, Ukrainian anthem sung by the children – all speak for themselves.
We are sincere
We have warm hearts. Vitalik and his two sisters – an older one and a newborn – are convinced that sincerity, generosity and selflessness bring back gratitude, respect and love. Their parents, while fighting for their children’s future, were staying together by the fires on Khreschatyk Street. In the spring they were already sharing their warmth of support with the Ukrainian fugitive families.
We are creative
Everybody can discover their talents by working towards a common cause. Someone can run fast, someone can hit the target well, some can rhyme well and some can cook porridge in huge cauldrons; someone wishes to sprinkle with fire and someone paints with that “fire”. We can make art out of simple things. Vasia comes from the family of artists, who want to work in a free and united Ukraine.
We are self-organized
The fence around the illegal construction site near the Mykhailivskiy Cathedral was broken down to be used for barricades on the 18th of February 2014. As soon as the fence was gone, Liuba’s mom had an idea, that inspired those who cared. Their hard work is already turning a desert into a garden town.
We are capable of sacrifice
We are ready to sacrifice our own life for the sake of saving someone else’s. Taking a risk day and night, in the extreme conditions, having no doubts or fears, in honour of the oath and for people’s sake. The image of an unknown doctor – that is the reality to those whose lives have been saved. Tymur asked his parents to take him to the epicenter of the protest. He took his toy doctor’s kit and an anatomy book with him. “The most crucial thing is to help people. I can do that!”
We hold the symbols of the new times
The central Christmas tree of 2014 became a real symbol of Ukraine’s contemporary history. Numerous posters and flags represent those genuine emotions and yearnings that people put forward as their Christmas wishes for the new year and the new times. The miniature Christmas tree was always there during the winter events in the studio of Hromadske TV, where Uliana’s mom works.
We strive to build new things
In order to make something new it takes to break something old. The paving stones from the Vul. Hrushevskoho Street have already become a symbol of people’s rebellion against injustice and impunity. Men and women, students and grandmas, rich and poor, those with families and single, exhausted and inspired were taking apart and breaking stones to make it possible for the little Yava boy to build something new freely.
We are invincible
Strong in spirit, active, and selfless. Songs, poetry and dance have been energizing us since olden days with inspiration of pursuing our dreams.In Lisa’s family physical and spiritual harmony are constantly filled with faith by her parents. “Yes! I will laugh through tears, Sing songs when it’s hard, I will keep hoping when hope is lost, I will live on! Over with the sad thoughts!”
We are hardworking and brave
To achieve common goal people united into a hive, where everybody had their job, task and role. Where everybody, being a part of a complex machine, carried, swept, threw, slept, got up, ran, built in no time, reached, grabbed, fell down and got up again… And everyone knew what to do guided intuitively. Ivan is a keen sportsman, a wrestler whose strength of character as well as fresh experiences from the barricades have been passed on to him by his grandfather, an Afghan war veteran.
We unite for the common goal
The loud rhythm numbs the fear. Turns the feelings into the sound of events. Oleh and his family, just as many others, have lost common interests with some of their friends. However, they built new relationships with their true soul mates, whose hearts beat in unison with those of their own.
We are together
Whatever happens – we are together, we stand united. Old and young, the east with the west, for better or worse, now and forever. Little Dasha got sick. Her mother has been juggling between her family and helping the country for six months now: but healthy child – healthy country. To Varia there is no greater happiness than to be by her sister’s side, she believes in the new, united and healthy future.
We are
We are and we will be here! We are with you! Although you cannot see each and every one of us, we are here. We strive for happiness and justice most of all.
© Anna Lebedeva
Translated by: Svitlana Skob
edited by: Antonina Kumka