Ukraine is waiting for Russia’s reaction to the peace plan for stabilizing the crisis in the east that was proposed by President Petro Poroshenko, Andriy Deshchytsia, the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, told Radio Svoboda, June 12. Currently, there is no evidence that Moscow has begun to implement the Geneva agreements of April 17, nor has it responded to Poroshenko’s plan, Deshchytsia said.
“We expect that Russia will still fulfill the obligations it had assumed in Geneva and those that were articulated by the Russian president during his stay in France and during his brief conversation with the president of Ukraine. If Russia will not keep its obligations at the highest political level, we will have no other choice than to call on the international community to apply new sanctions against Russia,” he said, while answering Radio Svoboda’s questions regarding the cessation of armed conflict in the Donbas.
“At the moment, we are seeing only increased tension on the eastern border and Russia’s support for separatists with troops and military equipment,” he said.
According to Deshchytsia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is continuing to work toward a political and diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine and the crisis that exists between Kyiv and Moscow.
As previously reported, the plan for a peaceful settlement of the situation in the east that Poroshenko announced during his inauguration provides for the disarmament of all who have illegally taken up arms, amnesty for those separatists who have not committed serious crimes, and the creation of a corridor for the withdrawal of Russian mercenaries. It also includes plans for early local elections in the Donbas and a package of economic reforms.
Translation: Anna Mostovych
Source: http://www.radiosvoboda.org/content/article/25419651.html
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