On April 20, the hashtag #ВизиткаЯроша [Yarosh’s business card] set new records, becoming the most popular request of Russian and Ukrainian social network users. Internet users have ridiculed the Russian media’s claims that on Easter night Right Sector militants attacked a checkpoint in Sloviansk.
The Russian media report alleged that inside “the cars of pro-Russian citizens of Sloviansk burned by the militants,” in addition to guns and dollars, business cards of Right Sector leader and presidential candidate Dmytro Yarosh were found.
On April 20, a shootout at a checkpoint occurred between two groups of citizens at around 3.00 AM in Sloviansk (Donetsk Oblast), resulting in three people killed and three wounded by gunfire.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry blamed the attack on the separatists’ checkpoint in Sloviansk on members of the Right Sector, and the TV channel LifeNews in their broadcast showed business cards of Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh, American dollars, and weapons that were allegedly found at the scene of the conflict. Right Sector has denied all accusations of their connection to the shooting in Sloviansk, and the Security Service of Ukraine has already stated that Russian security services were involved in staging this provocation.
Source: http://gordonua.com/news/society/Heshteg-VizitkaYArosha-vzorval-socseti-Fotoreportazh-19171.html
Full album of Yarosh’s business cards can be viewed on Euromaidan Arts and Graphics
Translated by Alya Shandra