By Michael Hammerschlag
AUG 12 The Battle for Donetsk has commenced, with it being pounded all day by various artillery Sun. Now the Separatists want a cease-fire, but Kyiv has no intention at losing its gains. ATO says now 568 Ukrainians killed, 2000 wounded. Reuters says Mon eve that Putin says he is INTERVENING with “peace keeping” forces (killers), along wtih Red Cross- Ukraine says Russia officially part, but NO SOLDIERS! Now they say Russian vehicles will not be allowed across border- that stuff must be repacked in Red Cross trucks.
“As of 11 o’clock Mon, about 45,000 troops (NATO says 20K) of the Russian Federation are in border areas,” Ukraine spokesman Andriy Lysenko said, “They are supported by 160 tanks, 1,360 armoured vehicles, 390 artillery systems, up to 150 Grad missile launchers, 192 fighter aircraft and 137 attack helicopters.”
A YT video shows 300 white painted tractor-trailers by border with the clam shell radar of an S-300 AA missile system at the end (most advanced w S-400). Fool Merkel has been been pushing for this with her pal VVP- she doesn’t care that the end of fighting means the loss of the East, but it avoids the supposed humanitarian catastrophe (she thinks). That Poroshenko supposedly agreed to ANY Russian role in Ukraine is mind-boggling.
Demjin D. reports Aug 9 elements of the Donbas Battalion has penetrated within 4.5 km of Donetsk center and are taking out Separatist armor with Swedish AT-4’s- single use light anti-tank rockets. That means the threat of a full invasion is high and the West should be clear- do that and we shut Russia down– full embargo on all Russian business, impoundment of funds, no loans, even call in current ones.
Saturday there were (false) reports that Krasny Luch had fallen to the Ukrainians, perhaps to provoke a Russian intervention (maybe successfully)- that would have closed the vital road to Luhansk and cut off Donetsk + Horlivka- but heavy fighting continued there, and towns just to Donetsk’s East- Ilovaisk and Mospinye.

From the front: Had a long talk with Andre Samobarona in the Donbas Battalion Mon Aug 11 nt, [connection was poor and didn’t have paper] just east of Donetsk- has been in hard fighting in the towns around there- Kurasova, Levaisk, Alchesk, Drudova; he says there are 3-4000 Russians/Separatists in Donetsk and when they fall, Luhansk won’t be a problem- it isn’t that fortified, (though who knows what the Russians have done lately.) “We haven’t closed the ring (around Donetsk) yet, but we are close.” In his last battle he says they suffered 5 dead, while the invaders suffered 100, the result mostly of artillery.

He was tired and coughing, which he tried to suppress: “If my commander knows I’m sick, he’ll send me to the hospital.” The Separatists have absolute top of the line equipment, “We have 1st or 2nd generation, they have 5th generation! They have new artillery 155mm, 250mm, which they put next to chemical factory and a hospital (hospital was hit). If we attack them, there would be an ecological disaster…[when I mentioned snipers] Ohh, the snipers, I was sitting by a wall and bullet hit 8cm from my head- they have rifles that can shoot 1.5-2 km, we don’t even see them.” He is armed with single use American bazookas.. “but their range is only 400-500M… Maybe I’ll have R+R soon,” he says longingly.
Gov. Kolomoisky’s vast bounties for Separatists ($10,000) remain a distant dream, “I’ve caught 20-25 enemy- just myself- but he doesn’t care about regular

people, maybe if I get [unknown names of some commanders], he would pay for them, he says ‘$50,000 for [indistinct].’ ” Doesn’t he have new weapons, at least, from the oligarch? “No, only the Dniepre Battalion has them.” (Kolomoisky’s Dnitropetrovsk project). Why he couldn’t strip advanced weapons from the captured Russians/Separatists or their abandoned supplies wasn’t clear.

Some Russians are simple imperialist “patriots”: “Some aren’t bad guys- I asked one guy, what are they paying you, and he said, ‘NOTHING’- his brain was just cooked by the garbage on Russian TV- (laughs) I watched some of it (in an aptmt) and I couldn’t believe the crazy fairy tales.” At one point he came up against a Russian Spetsnaz (=~Green Berets) team- “Very good, very well trained.” They retreated from them.
Sadly, the song remains the same in Ukraine’s penchant for non and pitifully low-payment – for risking their life and fighting for their country they recieve only 1300hrv./month, “I haven’t got 1 hrv– when they handed out money, we were fighting, then they were gone.”
Godspeed Andre.
AUG 10 Incredible SBU tale that MH17 downing was a false flag attempt to actually shoot down an Aeroflot plane Moscow to Larnica (Cyprus), which were flying at same height and crossed paths, and provide an excuse for Russian invasion! They screwed up and went to the wrong Pervomaiskoye 20 km to NE`of Donetsk, instead of 20 km to the West, where the Aeroflot AFL 2074 was supposed to crash in ATO controlled territory, according to Deputy SBU head Yahun (+ head Nalyvaichenko, whom I’ve questioned).
Not sure about this- it is a blockbuster charge, but he didn’t give any real proof and admits it may be a theory- Separatist phone intercepts don’t support it- not “It’s the wrong plane, no Russians”, but then such an explosive plan wouldn’t be shared with ANYBODY, or perhaps… Ukraine is also doing some slick propaganda.

Putin started his reign blowing up his own apartment buildings in Sept 1999 (killing ~305), proven to be FSB plot when the 6th explosion didn’t go off and the perps were tracked down (head of FSB admitted it on live TV- said it was a “test of security”, but explosive was real!). In 2000 60% of Russians believed that it all was an FSB plot, run by Putin 3 weeks earlier.
Few know much about this amazing story, because everyone who has touched this story has been killed (or silenced- a dozen more), including 2-3 DUMA MPs investigating, 5-8 journalists (inc Politkovskaya- wrote a book, shot within a
month of Litvinenko), promoters (inc Litvenenko- wrote a book: Blowing Up Russia, oligarch Berezovsky- had big website on it- Terror99.org + was #1 on Putin’s hit parade). It was why Putin immediately crushed the media barons and took control of almost all media in Russia after an NTV talk show with the head of FSB and citizens of Ryazan (6th attempt) in early 2000.
Berezovsky supposedly hung himself in a locked bathroom, but he was a winner and a fighter and not the type- I could give you 10 ways the Kremlin could have done it- he had reportedly made inquiries about returning to Russia, giving assassins an opening. I expected his demise for years. I lived right by the Kashiersky Hgwy apt bombing (top pic?) at Varshavskaya in the old days (’92-94), and one metro away at Nakhimovsky Pr. in 2007, and would have gone to the requiem held on the anniversary to question relatives, had I known before. It is the evil at the center of Putin’s black heart. I’m quite convinced Yeltsin didn’t chose him, but Putin strode into sickly doddering Boris’s office in May ’99 with the Interior Minister and head of the Tambov Division and gave him a choice- prison and loss of all wealth (w family + friends)… or protection and safety under the new President Putin- Boris’s popularity after 1998 economic crisis was maybe 3%.
Putin used these totally collapsed buildings, blamed on Chechens, to start the 2nd Chechen War, and sack disloyal generals. This is the most comprehensive story: Terror-99. Putin presumably spent anything to erase almost every other version- the polonium that killed Litvenenko costs a cool $9 mln and was made 90% in Saratov, RF. He only took one tiny sip of tea, which the waiter saw Lugavoi dosing- to punish him, Russia made him an MP. Who can spend $9 mln for a hit- the idea was it was so obscure it was undetectible- but radiating like a glowworm isn’t that subtle. Try to find terror99.org, even on the Web Archive sites that save everything. But the Brit restarting of the Litvenenko investigation and this alleged false flag Aeroflot attack has generated a raft of terror99 stories, and promises to crack it wide open.

The soldiers driven into Russia have all returned, save 5 officers to be show-tried for shelling Russia (old Soviet trick- accuse the victim of your crime of doing same thing to confuse issue). They were released Aug 10, says ATO spokesman Lysenko. And the 1000-odd soldiers cut off by Separatists for weeks SE of Saur Mohyla, and pounded by Separatists on one side, and Rusky missiles and artillery on the other, have broken out West and rejoined the main force. Unfortunately, the entire SE corner of border now is open.
MAIDAN CLEARED- Aug 9- Klitschko came down to Maidan at 10am and negotiated with occupiers in a tent for a half hour, “Very respectful- he talked to everyone,” says Billy Six, a journalist from Berlin, who has covered the Arab Spring. Then with no real altercations, 200 workers, led by 40 beefy muscular guys, totally cleared almost every tent, tire, barricade from Maidan- it’s amazing. Kreschatuk is a road again. Spilno Domes remain and a few tents on NE corner, but the feeling of space is overwhelming- Maidan was a claustrophobic cramped place after 8 months of occupation. Fighting in Kyiv– things had finally come to a head Aug 4-7 with the squatters occupying Maidan, with fighting, Int. Min. raids against another bldg takeover, burning tires, and explosions- fine, clean up my
city– they’ve overstayed their welcome by 3 months and become a dangerous rabble, hassling and robbing people (inc. almost me). There’s a war going on- go fight it. The city wanted it cleared for 2 months- Klitschko was very patient, but they really wanted Khreschatyk cleared for traffic and Aug 25- Independence Day. No word if there were any carrots.
Another Ukrainian jet, a MIG29 (top Soviet fighter), has fallen Aug 7 at Yenakiyevo to the evil Buks, which the Separatists probably have a dozen trucks of now- these are devastating to Ukrainian air power.

Mr. President- or maybe the Canadians, who just shipped a planeload of non-lethal equipment, what do they think the 500 missile launchers, tanks, artillery, APCs are that Russia has sent across the border- spitballs? The pilot reportedly survived.
Demjin D. reports the Donbas Battalion has penetrated within 4.5 km of Donetsk center and is taking out Separatist armor with Swedish AT-4’s- single use light anti-tank rockets. That means the threat of a full PutInvasion is high and the West should be clear- do that and we shut Russia down– full embargo on all Russian business, impoundment of funds, no loans, even call in current ones.
New Separatist movement in Kharkiv– the City Council + Mayor Kernes awarded honorary citizenship to 2 separatist Russians Duma members who financed the Separatists, and they are printing up hundreds of yellow KhNR shirts- a protest of Ukrainians was held Sunday. He was shot in the back by unknown perps (probably Separatists because he was cozying up to Kyiv after being a charter Separatist), almost killed, and retreated to Israel for recuperation.
Tragically, sprightly charming anti-corruption fireplug Tanya Chernovil’s husband, Mykola Berezovy, a soldier in Azov Battalion, was just killed in fighting just east of Donetsk. He was Klitschko’s mngr of Horlivka UDAR office and physically even bigger. Wounded in the femoral artery by a sniper, he bled out before anybody could stop it. Maybe the weasels in the Rada will give her her anticorruption FBI now. See June 23 for TC Interview.
As I thought, Borodai resigned as DNR “PM” after being summoned to Moscow- a Ukrainian Separatist fan from Kharkiv- Zakharchenko will replace him to give the movement a Ukrainian face, but of course, grizzled T-D goon Antyufeyev is the real power. Obviously the Russians are reading this Blog. Also Andrei Parubiy quit as Nat Sec.+Defense Council head- maybe due to not being listened to- military strategist for an insurrection isn’t the same as for a country at war with a huge neighbor. This says he was ordered to do another cease fire + refused- good for him- it is a path to surrender- you don’t quit when close to victory.