Russia is suggesting that UN Security Council to adopt a resolution on the deployment of Russian peacekeepers to the MH17 crash site, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday at a meeting with young Tajik diplomats in Dushanbe, reports RIA Novosti.
“When we hear in the background of the obvious facts, calling for Russia to provide access to international observers to the crash site, I just do not see another option than to suggest that the Security Council adopt a resolution – if they are convinced that only Russia can do it – adopt a resolution inviting Russia to deploy its peacekeeping forces to provide security to the perimeter around the crash site.” – Lavrov
Recall that mobilized Russian peacekeeping forces have been seen in the Belgorod region, near Kharkiv in recent weeks. The introduction of Russian peacekeepers were a key element of Russia’s pretext for the invasion of, and war with, Georgia in 2008.