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Ukraine ramps up efforts to find 52,000 missing citizens, including 3,700 children, since 2022

Recent research reveals a staggering number of 52,673 Ukrainians have gone missing since February 2022, highlighting the devastating human cost of the conflict.
A boy in occupied Donbas with his mother. Photo: Andrii Dubchak,
Ukraine ramps up efforts to find 52,000 missing citizens, including 3,700 children, since 2022

Since the beginning of Russia’s all-out war, over 52,000 Ukrainians have gone missing, including 3,676 children, said the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, on social media, citing research from

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 52,673 people have been reported missing since 24 February 2022, nearly 37,000 of them under particular circumstances. During the same period, 3,676 children have gone missing.

The Ukrainian ombudsman emphasized that during Russia’s war, any information that can help relatives find their missing loved ones is critically important. In his opinion, open data creates search algorithms: finding Ukrainian citizens abroad or in captivity through international and humanitarian missions; facilitating cooperation between government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the public; detecting cases of fraud involving the documents of missing persons; and recording crimes committed by the occupiers.

Earlier, German and Ukrainian police found 161 Ukrainian children abducted by Russia on the territory of Germany, as per TSN

“The greatest tragedy brought by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is the loss of human lives. We must do everything possible to ensure that the terrorist country is held accountable for every destroyed life of the Ukrainian people,” stressed Lubinets.

Previously, the ombudsman said that nearly 1,700 civilians were being held in detention centers in Russia. 

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