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Norway to provide almost 6 million Euro to support Ukrainian NGOs

After announcing 64 million Euro for humanitarian aid in Ukraine and Moldova, Norway will additionally provide 6 million Euro as part of a grant program for Ukrainian NGOs.
Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide
Norway’s Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide. Photo via
Norway to provide almost 6 million Euro to support Ukrainian NGOs

Norway has launched a new grant program for Ukrainian NGOs and is allocating almost 6 million Euro for it. As reported by European Pravda, based on information provided by the Norwegian governmental press service.

70 million Kroons – almost 6 million Euro – are being allocated to finance a grant program to support projects of Ukrainian public organizations.

The communiqué noted that many human rights, anti-corruption, humanitarian and other non-governmental organizations operate in Ukraine, and it is Ukrainian civil society that has been the main driver of democratic changes in the country during the years of independence.

“Norway is committed to supporting the work of civil society in their efforts to improve freedom and democracy in Ukraine … Supporting Ukrainian institutions and organizations is very important if Ukraine is to gain success in the war with Russia, in reconstruction, in introducing important reforms and in fighting corruption,” said Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide.

The communiqué noted that democratic reforms, strengthening the rule of law and strengthening the role of civil society will also contribute to Ukraine’s European integration ambitions.

“Thanks to the efforts of civil society organizations, the Ukrainian government has been implementing more transparent and inclusive policies…. They contribute to the political decisions that are made. And it is this work that we want to support,” Eide added.

According to him, this program is designed to be accessible to organizations in smaller cities and groups that are marginalized for one reason or another, because the currently available donor programs are mainly focused on a small number of specialized organizations in Kyiv and other large cities, one of the reasons for which are the requirements prescribed by donors.

“We hope that this scheme will encourage development and strengthen local organizations while maintaining compliance with administrative standards and control requirements,” the minister said.

International, Ukrainian, Norwegian or other network organizations will be able to apply, alone or as partners in a consortium. Partners can be local Ukrainian NGOs or groups with a common interest, such as women’s rights initiatives, trade unions, religious organizations, independent media.

Funding is scheduled to run from 2024 to 2027 and can be applied for from April 19 to June 19, 2024 on the Norad website (

Norwegian support to Ukraine

Earlier this week, Espen Barth Eide traveled to Ukraine where he visited Kyiv and Odesa. During the visit, he said that Kyiv and Oslo had finalized negotiations on a bilateral security agreement and would sign it at the next meeting of the countries’ leaders, the date of which has not been set yet.

Norway also announced an additional 64 million Euro for humanitarian aid in Ukraine and Moldova through the mediation of international organizations.

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