In a recent video released by Kremlin propagandist Pavel Zarubin on Telegram, Belarus’ self-proclaimed president, Alexander Lukashenka, stated that his country is not entering the war against Ukraine on Russia’s side due to powerful fortifications, minefields, and a significant Ukrainian military presence along the border.
Lukashenka claimed that the Ukrainian-Belarusian border is “heavily barricaded,” making it “inaccessible.” He also estimated that around 120,000 Ukrainian troops are stationed along the Belarusian border.
“They want to send these troops to the front against Russia and deploy the French here. We are waiting,” Lukashenko added.
He referred to recent statements of French President Emmanuel Macron and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who confirmed the possibility of deploying French troops to Ukraine for training and border missions.
Lukashenka also warned Ukraine against strikes on oil refineries in Belarus, particularly Mozyr oil refinery, where Russia started importing fuel for its war effort amid domestic deficit.
Earlier, on 6 April 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on the possibility of a new Russian offensive from Belarus, assuring that Ukraine currently sees no such threats.
“As for the strategy, we do not yet see any plans, threats, or capabilities from Belarus,” he noted.
Read also:
- No immediate threat of repeated attack from Belarus – Ukraine’s Joint Forces Commander
- Ukraine joins western states in non-recognizing Lukashenka as president after “secret” inauguration
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