Group of highly skilled Ukrainian snipers, consisting of 20 soldiers, known as “the Ghosts of Bakhmut,” eliminated 524 Russian soldiers over the past six months, BBC reports.
Operating on the outskirts of Bakhmut for the last six months, the group conducts stealthy night raids with a focus on targeting high-value individuals. Ghost, one of the team members, reveals that their confirmed kill count stands at an 524, with him personally responsible for 76 of those. The team records their shots. However, not everyone’s keeping count.
“It’s nothing to be proud of. We’re not killing people, we’re destroying the enemy,” Kuzia, one of the snipers, says.
Over the past six months, several team members, including the commander Ghost, have been injured. Remarkably, though, none of them has been killed.
Another sniper, Kusch, says that the ability to strike from unseen positions with virtually no sound have had a profound psychological impact on their adversaries, instilling fear by eliminating one Russian soldier at a time.