A video that emerged today on several Ukrainian Telegram channels, features a Ukrainian soldier standing in the foreground of the Yampil educational complex – the local school – and saying, “So, kitties, Yampil is ours.”
Yampil has been an important node in the Russian defense line in occupied Donetsk Oblast.
The liberation of Yampil hasn’t yet been officially confirmed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Update: Ukrainian troops also liberated the village of Shadryholove north of Lyman yesterday:
Update 21:55:
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed the liberation of Yampil in his evening address to the nation:
“I thank our servicemen of the 214th Separate Rifle Battalion, the Special Operations Forces, and the 103rd Separate Territorial Defense Brigade for liberating Yampil. I thank our intelligence units, as well as the Security Service,” Zelenskyy said.