Nataliya Korolevska is known to have supported the Russian occupation of Ukraine, from the end of 2013 and early 2014. She was active in facilitating the creation of the “LNR” and has made separatist statements and proclaimed her support for terrorist formations.
In the media, Nataliya Korolevska has frequently denied direct Russian aggression in the Donbas, which constitutes a danger to the national security of Ukraine, and also contravenes Ukrainian law, specifically the declaration of the Verkhovna Rada: “On the acknowledgement by Ukraine of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to determine crimes against humanity and military crimes committed by high level officials of the Russian Federation as well as the leadership of the terrorist organizations “DNR” and “LNR”, which have resulted in very serious consequences and mass murder of Ukrainian citizens”, as well as the Declaration of the Verkhovna Rada: “On repulsing the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and recovering losses incurred”.
In addition, Nataliya Korolevska publicly voices her clearly pro-Russian position, advocating the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation. Recently, she has been quite active in the language question, often repeating her statements and hopes that the language law should be cancelled.
Her interventions against the amendments to the Constitution regarding membership in NATO compromise the military preparedness of our country, which could have negative consequences for our independence. Ms Korolevska actively advocates against the integration of Ukraine into Europe. Considering that Euro-Atlantic integration is a top priority for the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with resisting the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, we conclude that MP Nataliya Korolevska is systematically contravening the Constitution of Ukraine. Second, she is intentionally trying to undermine the military preparedness of our country.
Nataliya Korolevska, as an elected deputy, has been publicly supporting and agitating for a communist totalitarian regime and has been an apologist for the crimes of that regime.
Recently, Ms. Korolevska attended an event marking the anniversary of the birth of Georgy Zhukov, (01.12.2019). Her participation in such an event contravenes the law: “On the condemnation of communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and prohibition of propagandizing their symbols”. Furthermore, she has made disparaging remarks about patriotic citizens who oppose the abdication of patriotic interests and who defend the independence and integrity of a democratically constituted Ukraine. She refers to them as “pseudo-patriots and radicals”.
We are categorically opposed to the idea that such an individual with such views can be representing the interests of veterans in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. We thereby call upon:
- the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Ivan Bakanov, with the request that an investigation be conducted into Ms. Nataliya Korolevska’s activities during 2013-2019. In the event that facts are uncovered indicating the contravention of existing laws of Ukraine, we demand that such materials become the basis for a criminal case;
- the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Dmytro Razumkov, with the request that he make a public statement about MP Nataliya Korolevska regarding her pro-Russian sympathies;
- the leaders of parliamentary fractions with the request that they should publicly evaluate the comments that have been made by MP Nataliya Korolevska, specifically her openly pro-Russian stance, propose their own alternative candidates for the office of deputy chair of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada responsible for the social welfare and human rights protections of veterans, and present a public apology to the veterans of the Russo-Ukrainian war and the families of the deceased.
Signed by representatives of Ukrainian veterans’ organizations:
1. Жіночий Ветеранський Рух
2. Полтавська філія “Українська асоціація інвалідів АТО”
3. Центр соціальної адаптації ветеранів та інвалідів АТО м. Полтава
4. ГФ “Доброволець”
5. Товариство організацій учасників АТО Одещини
6. ГО “Ірпінська міська спілка ветеранів та інвалідів антитерористичної операції”
7. ГО” Координаційна рада Ірпінського регіону” Волонтери
10.ГО “Центр допомоги учасникам АТО Подільщини”
11. ГО “Методичний центр ГО учасників, інвалідів, ветеранів та волонтерів АТО” м. Одеса
12. Волонтерська команда медевакуації поранених “Battle for life”
13. ГО ветеранів та інвалідів АТО “Рапіра”
14. ГО ” Схiд та Захiд eдинi”
15. ГО “СВІТАНОК Запоріжжя”
16. БФ “Стіна Народної Пам’яті”
17. ГО “Асоціація учасників АТО Одещини”
18. ГО ” УЧАСНИКИ БОЙОВИХ ДІЙ ЩИТ” м. Запоріжжя.
19. Громадянин України, військовозобов’язаний в резерві НГУ Запоріжжя, Шаповал Сергій Сергійович
19. Громадське об’єднання “Міжнародна спілка волонтерів України”
20. Волонтерська група “Степова Хмара”, м. Дружківка
21. Громадянка України, Волонтер-психолог Людмила Волтер, м. Запоріжжя
22. ГО “Волонтерський центр “Солдатський привал” м. Запоріжжя.
23. ГО ” Волонтерська Сотня Доброволя
24. Громадянка України, мати загиблого воїна Михайла Гончаренка, волонтер Галина Гончаренко,
25. Громадянка України, волонтер Кузьменко Олена, м.Запоріжжя
26. Громадянка України, волонтер Біличенко Ольга, м.Запоріжжя.
27. Громадянка України, дружина учасника АТО Вишнивецька Юлія, м.Запоріжжя
28. Волонтерська група “Веселівський оберіг” Запорізька обл
29. Громадянка України Кравцова Галина-волонтер, дружина загиблого під Іловайськом солдата Романа Кравцова.
30. Громадянка України, волонтер Добровольська Інна, м.Запоріжжя
31. Громадянка України, волонтер Ярош Тамара, м.Запоріжжя
32. Громадянка України, волонтер Добровольська Евгенія,м.Запоріжжя
33. Бузурний Сергій – ГО “Товариство ветеранів АТО Запоріжжя”
34. ГО „МС Рівновага“