Mykola Karpiuk was arrested in Russia in March 2014, when he served as deputy leader in Right Sector in charge of ideology. Karpiuk and Stanislav Klykh were accused of taking part in the Chechnya war in 1994-95, where they allegedly killed 30 Russian soldiers.

Before seeing his attorney, Dokka Itslayev in the Grozny jail, Mykola Karpiuk was approached by Ukrainian activists who handed him a letter. Karpiuk promptly gave them a reply, which was passed on to the media and social networks:
Dear Ukrainian and Ukrainian, my beloved brothers and sisters! I’m deeply touched by all the support and solidarity you’ve shown for my cause. Thank you very much and I bow before you and Ukraine. We haven’t been able to see each other, but don’t worry too much about it. My soul, my heart and my thoughts are with you. We are a great nation! Therefore, victory will be ours! With deep brotherly love, Mykola Karpiuk